Our free internal link checker tool can show you how many links of a certain type your page contains and show anchor text, and follow, nofollow attributes.
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An internal link checker tool is a utility that analyzes a web page to identify and list all the internal and external links present on that page. It helps website owners and SEO professionals understand the link structure of their site.
Our internal link checker works by scanning the provided web page URL. It identifies all hyperlinks on the page, categorizes them as internal or external, and provides information such as the anchor text and whether the link is follow or nofollow.
Checking internal links is crucial for SEO because it helps improve website navigation, distributes page authority throughout your site, and ensures that search engines can crawl and index your pages effectively. It also helps identify broken links or orphaned pages that may negatively impact your SEO performance.
Yes, while our tool primarily focuses on internal links, it also identifies and lists external links found on the analyzed page. This comprehensive view helps you understand both your internal link structure and outbound linking practices.