Quickly check robots.txt file for any domain to ensure search engines can access your site's content. Our free tool helps you identify and fix any issues that may be blocking crawlers from indexing your site.
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To check a website's robots.txt file, first you need to find the file which you can do by adding "/robots.txt" to the end of the domain name in the address bar. And then you can manually check and validate your robots.txt file. Alternatively, you can use our free tool to get all the information you need.
Robots.txt is a directive file placed at a website's root, instructing web crawlers which areas to avoid. It helps prevent unwanted indexing and access to sensitive, developmental, or private sections of a site.
To find a website's robots.txt file, simply add "/robots.txt" to the end of the domain name in your browser's address bar. For example, to view Google's robots.txt file, you would visit "https://www.google.com/robots.txt". Alternatively, you can use our free tool to get all the information you need.
The "Disallow" directive is used to tell search engine crawlers which areas of a website they should not index. For example, "Disallow: /private/" would prevent crawlers from indexing any pages within the "/private/" directory.
Depending on your website platform, you can generate a robots.txt file manually or use a tool to create one for you. Once you have your robots.txt file, you can upload it to your website's root directory so search engines can access it.